After Hours Work Calls:Steven at 213-999-0750

Liuna Feel the Power
Hollywood Local 724


6700 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90038

The Local 724 Retirees’ Council, established by Charter from LiUNA dated February 18, 2004, consists of a group of committed Local 724 retired members who all had great careers and who want to continue the fun. The Retirees’ Council meets once a month, for lunch and to plan our activities, which are funded by the Retirees’ Treasury.

Our Retirees’ Council Membership Dues, which are voluntary and separate from your regular Union Retiree Dues, are used to offset expenses for our yearly events and enable us to put on events without assistance from the regular Local 724 Treasury. Our dues payment is currently set at $3.00 per month or $36.00 per year. If you choose to make your yearly payment by February 27, 2016, you will receive a $6.00 discount, for a total of just $30.00 for the year. We are counting on your support again this year to continue our program. In 2015, we held our Retiree Picnic in September, and we did again hold our excellent Holiday Luncheon in December, honouring three 50-Year Retirees, and all our other Retirees, an occasion that was, again, memorable for all attendees.

Our Retirees’ Council General Membership Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month, except December, at 11:30 AM, at the Local Union Office on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood. Come join us for a little lunch and a lot of Union friendship, and add your input to keeping our Retirees’ Council strong and active.

